Monday, July 6, 2009

Leading through serving

Joseph was a great leader when Israel needed it most. Joseph was also a great servant. I think of his life. Being one of the twelve sons of Jacob- and quite obviously Jacob's favorite- we see that Joseph suffered much at this hands of his jealous brothers. Recapping the story- Joseph was put in a pit, then sold into slavery, falsely accused, put in prison, forgotten but then by God's great grace was put second in command in Egypt (Genesis 37-50). In each of the situations in Egypt, because of Joseph's servant heart, he was put in a position of Leadership and authority-even while he was in prison. Eventually Joseph was only second in command to Pharaoh and in the great position to help his family-who thought he was dead- during the great famine. Joseph is a great example of leading through serving. From all accounts in scripture, he kept a great attitude and always trusted God. I think of many now who will serve in "the church" unless it is a visible platform or directly under a Pastoral staff member. Serving and serving with the right attitude is a ministry unto the Lord.

Colossians 3:17 (New Living Translation)

17 And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.

I am reminded to do everything and anything as ministry to the Lord. Our tests (serving) just may be a great testimony and an opportunity to do great things for those we love and other in the very near future. Remember-you have a purpose.